
Wanted diesel fuel
Any quantity on a spot basis, the fuel must physically exist, its existence must be verifiable. The product must be storage or aboard a tanker
Location – not Black Sea, except Turkey, preferably Mediterranean. Other locations are possible, and any sensible offer considered.
Proof of funds will be readily available but will be furnished directly – the buyer will send confirmation via his corporate email to the corporate email of the seller.
The proof of funds is of course proportionate to the quantity of fuel offered. There is no unlimited supply of fuel and likewise there is no unlimited availability of funds.
For instance, what is wanted
1) – a tanker named so and so is at the port of “A” or has left the port of “A” and is enroute to the port “B”. It holds 30 000 tons (tonnes, exact figure) of diesel fuel that is being offered for sale on a spot basis. Just to release a bit more information about 70 000 mt are wanted immediately, with preferably 35 000 mt per tanker but a larger or smaller quantity will be considered.
2) – that tanker cannot be far away in the ocean, so if the seller is not a known multinational it cannot be in the mid-Atlantic

(Longer term delivery contracts will be considered but reasonable. No abstract “offers” sought).
Diesel 10ppm
70,000 metric tons per month.
Two shipments of 35,000 metric tons each. Initial quantity must be available right away.
12 months.
Cost, Insurance & Freight (CIF Incoterms 2020).
Platt’s Asia-Pacific/Arab Gulf Marketscan Asia products, Singapore (PGA page 2002), Mops strip ($/barrel), Gasoil, code AAPJI00. the price must be calculated on the three (3) days average mean quotation, a day before the day of offloading, the day of offloading, and the day after offloading, minus a net fixed discount per one barrel or metric ton.
Discount Supplier/seller’s best offer.
Destination – Far East
Supplier/seller sends an email with his offer. Communication is established from corporate email to corporate email.
Video Conference is arranged with the supplier/seller.
Full details port of destination/offloading/discharge to the supplier/seller; name port, country, longitude, latitude, draughts, jetties, berths, tank terminal, loading rates and our port agent’s name, office address, direct phone number and E-mail address, are exchanged.
Supplier/seller sends a draft of the contract.
The buyer and the supplier/seller sign the contract.
Bank-to-bank-communication. Supplier/seller’s bank confirms contract and product to be in supplier/seller’s ownership. The buyer’s bank issues a SBLC covering the value of one shipment.
The Supplier/seller sends copies Fixture, Q88 and CPA/TCP of the vessels he/she will use.
The Supplier/seller’s vessel lifts product. Supplier/seller sends a copy of the full set of shipping/cargo documents to the buyer.
Payment is done by money wire transfer within 48 hours after vessel has been offloaded and Q&Q inspection has been completed. SBLC stays at supplier/seller’s bank as long as the contract is valid and/or deliveries take place.

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