
Swiss Offshore Banks.

Swiss Offshore Bank for Sale. At this price a giveaway to the qualified party. But read our disclaimer and commentary.

For the ad itself without disclaimers and commentary in the Swiss Offshore banks category read only the information marked as ad between those lines ———————————————————————————————— 




For Sale Swiss Offshore Bank

Commercial Banks, Savings Banks – Bern, Bern, Switzerland 


We cannot verify the veracity of this offer but have contacts for you to do on your own if you are interested or you. My own opinion is that this has to be handled with the utmost care, the red flag being both the subject matter and poor English. I’d corrected a few mistakes and then gave up. 

It is obvious that the party that’d published the ad  is neither a native speaker nor has learned the language beyond the grammar school 

So it goes. 

The ad: Swiss Offshore Bank for sale. 


€25,000,000 EUR

Swiss Offshore Banks. It’s hard times for offshore banking now with OECD transparency agreements.

We have an investment opportunity for you to invest in an offshore bank project that will be in a country that do not have any OECD transparency agreement and its not in black or gray list.
We have direct inside contact to the government leaders and all is exited about our project. This bank will be very unique in the country and also in the services.

Only serious investors, if broker you need to bring a real client before anything, we have no use of brokers dream clients. We continue awake.

Welcome to send me a messages. Remember that it is legal to own an overseas financial institution, what is not legal is if not declare it.

The location of the project is not in Switzerland.


Sales Not Disclosed

Asking Price $29,958,525

Profits Not Disclosed DEAL TERMS

Represented by broker? No

Buyer Fee? Available On Request

Seller Financing? Available On Request

Willing to co-broke? Available On Request

Principals only? Yes

Franchise? No

Management will stay? Available On Request


NoReal Estate? No



Swiss Offshore Banks
(Swiss offshore banks ? Not quite, Marinus van Reymerswaele, The moneychanger and his wife (1539), Museo del Prado, Madrid))

The ad seems somewhat improbable though it may be a genuine one. We can always verify whether an ad is genuine or not for a modest fee. Because it takes money, effort, time, and connections, we do not verify every ad., So is the case with Swiss Offshore Banks subcategory with this ad. 

Why Swiss Offshore Banks 

An article on Swiss Offshore Banks and their secrecy. Mind you that a lot about Swiss banks is a myth. The Swiss banking sector has been under immense pressure from the United States but as the US power is diminishing markedly while the world is entering a major crisis, Swiss banking may reemerge as something viable. 




Swiss Offshore Banks
((Boris Kustodiev, a fragment of the painting Merchant counting money, 1918, Joseph Brodsky museum, St. Petersburg))

References: structure of Swiss banking sector excluding Swiss Offshore Banks 

Swiss banks excl. Swiss Offshore Banks.  Mind you that Swiss Offshore Banks can be listed as institutions within other banks and there are only sixteen listen or it could be a gimmick, as foreign banks with Swiss offices, or maybe even a PO box, would refer to themselves as swiss offshore banks, while in reality they may not even be a real banks. This may pertain to this ad. Real Swiss banks including swiss offshore banks do not normally come up for sale. Not through online ads for sure. 

At a glance

229 of 253 banks recorded a profit. The aggregate profit was CHF 10.3 bn. The other 24 banks recorded an aggregate loss of CHF 0.5 bn. For all banks considered together, there was a net profit of CHF 9.8 bn. This exceeded the previous year’s result by CHF 1.9 bn. Overall, liquid assets decreased by 9.1 bn to CHF 511.4 bn (–1.8%). This was notably affected by a decline in growth abroad (by CHF –8.1 to CHF 51.5 bn). Sight deposits at foreign central banks in particular showed a decrease (by CHF –7.8 bn to CHF 49.7 bn).

Total assets and profits of banks, 2019
Bank categories No.
Total assets CHF million Profit/
Total 246 3 317 638 752
Cantonal banks 24 626 727 3 196
Major banks 4 1 540 711 -5 581
Regional and savings banks 60 126 317 439
“Raiffeisen” banks 1 248 345 835
Other banks 16 223 743 34
Branches of foreign
23 98 153 172
Private banking 5 5 753 66
Source: Swiss National Bank (SNB)

In the meantime, some older topics beyond Swiss Offshore Banks 

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Dealing Monster – the classified export-import and trade leads platform, includes banks and swiss offshore banks

The article below has been reprinted for fair use 


Swiss Offshore Banks- What is a Swiss bank in the Swiss Offshore Banks category? No one quite knows or rather people have different ideas for what a Swiss bank is. It can be just a Swiss bank. Here is a Britannica article (fair use):

Swiss Bank Corporation, former Swiss bank, one of the largest banks in Switzerland until its merger with the Union Bank of Switzerland in 1998. The Swiss Bank Corporation was established in 1872 as the Basler Bankverein, specializing in investment banking. In an 1895 merger with Zürcher Bankverein, it became a commercial bank and changed its name to Basler und Zürcher Bankverein, and in 1897, after absorbing two other banks, it became the Swiss Bank Corporation. In 1998 the Swiss Bank Corporation merged with the Union Bank of Switzerland to form UBS AG, which became one of the largest banks in the world.


Or here is a different piece (fair use)

Any account holder or client could seek damages against any bank or bankers that did not maintain his/her confidentiality

The fascinating history of bank secrecy and financial discretion in Switzerland dates back to just over three hundred years to 1713. The Grand Council of Geneva, a Cantonal Council in Switzerland, adopted a code of secrecy which prohibited banks from divulging information with anyone except the account holder, or the client. For any such information sharing, the code said, the City Council must agree with the need to do so. It was believed that these codes and regulations were facilitating tax avoidance, and indeed, tax evasion.

No wonder, then, the great French writer and philosopher Voltaire, came up with this gem in 1794 — “If you see a Swiss banker jumping out of a window, follow him, for there is sure to be a profit in it”.

So, what made Switzerland an early tax haven? The answer lies in the law. Back then, secrecy in Swiss banking was covered only by the civil and commercial codes. This effectively meant that any account holder or client could seek damages against any bank or bankers that did not maintain his/her confidentiality. Revealing information, however, was not considered a criminal offence, and hence, wasn’t punishable by law through imprisonment or otherwise.

Late in that century, some of Switzerland’s oldest banks — Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie. (1796) and Pictet Cie (1805) were founded and according to this report, became “a financial refuge for fugitives from unrest…to safeguard the riches of aristocrats fleeing the French Revolution.”

The circumstances that led to the passage of the law, make for interesting reading. In the 1930s, reeling from the effects of the First World War and the Great Depression that followed, the economies of Germany and France launched a search for tax funds that were allegedly stashed in Swiss bank accounts.

In 1932, French authorities raided the Paris office of Swiss bank Basler Handelsbank to search for clients who held accounts and avoided French taxes. Dubbed as a fraude fiscale, (tax fraud) the uncovering of these assets worth approximately one billion French francs, led to more crackdowns on the bank, with the names of account holders being revealed, and two of its employees being arrested.

Likewise in Germany, a law was passed which made keeping foreign capital (in Swiss banks) an offence punishable by no less than death. Several offenders were being put to death by Germany, with Swiss banks coming under the Gestapo’s radar. Jews were also persecuted for alleged “fiscal evasion”.

But Switzerland refused to budge, or in other words, deviate from its long-held tradition of neutrality (proclaimed in 1815), non-interference and independence, values it held firmly throughout the two World Wars. In fact, it perceived these threats and acts by France and Germany as acts of aggression on its economy, and further strengthened its bank secrecy by the passage of the law in 1934.

Also, before and during the Second World War, Swiss banks were also used by the Nazis to loot their Jewish victims. They would force their victims to sign the requisite orders and with the Swiss typically not interfering, the transfer of assets from Swiss accounts to German accounts became easier.

In 1984, Switzerland held a national referendum for a constitutional amendment, which sought to open bank records to tax authorities. But it was defeated with an overwhelming 73% of the people voting in favour of bank secrecy. However, as the nineties went on, there were several scandals, including those involving Raul Salinas and the Citibank, Zurich in 1998 that have raised questions over Swiss banks and their role in voluntary tax fraud.


Early Development Stage of Swiss Banking

Switzerland has a long history as a financial center. In particular, the country has a noted history of banking stability and confidentially, and as a safe haven for the storage of the gold.

This history begins in the 16th century, when many Huguenots and other Protestant refugees fled to the Reformed areas of Switzerland — Geneva, Basel, and Zurich, in particular — seeking freedom from religious persecution. Many of these refugees were skilled craftsmen and businessmen, leading to the development of precise manufacturing industries (like watchmaking).

High demand for manufactured goods brought an influx of capital into the country. While Switzerland remained largely neutral during the Wars of Religion, many Swiss served abroad as mercenaries, and returning soldiers brought a further influx of capital. The development of the banking sector in Switzerland was a natural outgrowth of these capital inflows. Calvinist Switzerland was also friendlier to banking activities on religious grounds than Catholic parts of Europe. (This is obviously both a bull and a stereotype but we’d leave it as is. Editor)

Switzerland remained neutral in subsequent European conflicts as well, adding to its reputation for banking stability. Aside from the country’s political neutrality, Switzerland’s geographic location was also instrumental in its development as a banking center. As a small, landlocked country with few natural resources of its own, Switzerland naturally turned to financial services and manufacturing for economic growth.

The mountainous terrain also lent itself well to the construction of vaults for the storage of gold. Switzerland was also surrounded by budding industrial powerhouses in France, northern Italy, and the German states. Multi-lingual Switzerland began providing banking services to each of these markets in the early industrial period, and to this day, there are respective concentrations of bankers serving French customers (in Geneva), Germans (in Zurich and St. Gallen), and Italians (in Lugano).

Swiss Banking Privacy Laws and Swiss Offshore Banks


In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Swiss banking industry grew in large part because of its reputation for confidentiality. This was first cemented in law in 1713 when the Council of Geneva prohibited banks from disclosing client information. Many Swiss banking houses were founded in the late 1700s and early 1800s as wealthy aristocrats from across Europe looked for a place to store their wealth in the midst of political and social upheaval.

Later, Swiss banks also became a favored destination for merchants and businessmen, especially as governments expanded in size and increased tax rates. In 1932, a raid on the Paris branch of a Swiss bank (as part of an effort to crack down on tax evasion in that country) and increasing scrutiny by German authorities led to Switzerland further tightening its banking privacy laws. The Swiss Banking Act of 1934 — which remains on the books today — makes it a criminal offense for anyone associated with a bank to disclose client information.

In the 1980s, Switzerland came under increasing pressure from other nations seeking to recover tax revenue from foreign citizens holding assets in Swiss banks. However, Switzerland’s strong tradition of confidentiality in banking prevailed when a referendum to relax privacy laws was shot down in 1984 by a 73–23 margin. Despite increased calls for financial transparency after September 11, and further pressure on Swiss banks since the Global Financial Crisis, Swiss banks have maintained a steadfast dedication to the protection of their clients. Switzerland remains highly regarded as a financial center and is still consistently ranked as a top jurisdiction for secure, confidential banking.

Switzerland’s Affinity For Gold and Swiss Offshore Banks

Until fairly recently, gold was virtually synonymous with money and wealth, so as a banking center Switzerland has long had a natural affinity with the yellow metal. Switzerland’s manufacturing prowess in jewelry and watchmaking also contributed to the development of the precious metals industry in Switzerland. Unsurprisingly, many ancillary industries such as metal refining also developed there; today, of the six largest refiners of gold in the world, four of them are in Switzerland.

The amount of gold that passes through Switzerland each year is nearly equivalent to the amount mined across the entire world. Switzerland was the last country to remove its currency from a partial gold standard, only relenting in the 1990s as a condition of joining the IMF. There was even a more recent movement in the country to restore a partial gold standard, though the referendum failed in 2014. Nonetheless, Switzerland retains its reputation for financial stability in an increasingly volatile era.

For the team at Vault, Switzerland was a natural choice for gold storage, both for its stable reputation and its long association with gold. Utilizing gold storage services in Switzerland allows Vault to leverage the country’s well-earned reputation for stability, property rights, and privacy.

Providing investors with the security of enforceable legal rights to gold adds to USDVault’s own commitment for risk reduction and contributes to the positive development of the cryptocurrency space.

https://books.google.com.au/books?id=GhKwCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover — Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://www.economist.com/the-americas/2015/05/09/interiors— Swiss Offshore Banks 

http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/the-other-banking-drama-those-secret-swiss-accounts— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://assets.kpmg.com/content/dam/kpmg/ch/pdf/ch-banking-act-en.pdf— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_referendums,_1984#May:_Banks— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/20/business/20tax.html— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://www.financialsecrecyindex.com/Archive2015/CountryReports/Switzerland.pdf— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-20813983— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/precious-goods_switzerland–the-world-s-gold-hub/33706126— Swiss Offshore Banks 

https://www.swissaid.ch/sites/default/files/Report.GoldinSwitzerland.compressed_0.pdf— Swiss Offshore Banks 


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