Urea price depends on a number of factors and you should contact us directly to obtain a current urea price at FOB or CIF terms.

urea price

Urea Price

Price of urea depends on a multitude of factors.

We currently over a 1000 mt per month consignment of urea available at FOB Baltic (FOB Ust Luga or St. Petersburg) terms. This urea comes from an ultra-reliable top-level supplier. The price is not rock-bottom but it is real. That makes all the difference.


We have offers of urea in excess of 10 000 mt per month, from suppliers in the Russian Federation and Central Asia (Turkmenia, Turkmenistan), likewise at FOB terms, at attractive prices with large quantities, but the genuineness of the offers must still be verified.

price urea

Please contact us for up-to-date information on urea pricing and send you whatever inquiries you may have.

For urea use email address urea at russiancommerce.ru

Thank you.


End of the message.

urea price
urea price


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Explanation and definition of urea:


chemical compound
Urea, also called carbamide, the diamide of carbonic acid. Its formula is H2NCONH2. Urea has important uses as a fertilizer and feed supplement, as well as a starting material for the manufacture of plastics and drugs. It is a colourless, crystalline substance that melts at 132.7° C (271° F) and decomposes before boiling.

Urea is the chief nitrogenous end product of the metabolic breakdown of proteins in all mammals and some fishes. The material occurs not only in the urine of all mammals but also in their blood, bile, milk, and perspiration. In the course of the breakdown of proteins, amino groups (NH2) are removed from the amino acids that partly comprise proteins. These amino groups are converted to ammonia (NH3), which is toxic to the body and thus must be converted to urea by the liver. The urea then passes to the kidneys and is eventually excreted in the urine.

Urea was first isolated from urine in 1773 by the French chemist Hilaire-Marin Rouelle. Its preparation by the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler from ammonium cyanate in 1828 was the first generally accepted laboratory synthesis of a naturally occurring organic compound from inorganic materials.

Urea is now prepared commercially in vast amounts from liquid ammonia and liquid carbon dioxide. These two materials are combined under high pressures and elevated temperatures to form ammonium carbamate, which then decomposes at much lower pressures to yield urea and water.

Because its nitrogen content is high and is readily converted to ammonia in the soil, urea is one of the most concentrated nitrogenous fertilizers. An inexpensive compound, it is incorporated in mixed fertilizers as well as being applied alone to the soil or sprayed on foliage. With formaldehyde it gives methylene–urea fertilizers, which release nitrogen slowly, continuously, and uniformly, a full year’s supply being applied at one time.
Although urea nitrogen is in nonprotein form, it can be utilized by ruminant animals (cattle, sheep), and a significant part of these animals’ protein requirements can be met in this way. The use of urea to make urea–formaldehyde resin is second in importance only to its use as a fertilizer. Large amounts of urea are also used for the synthesis of barbiturates.

Urea reacts with alcohols to form urethanes and with malonic esters to give barbituric acids. With certain straight-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives, urea forms crystalline inclusion compounds, which are useful for purifying the included substances.

What is Urea 46 in export trade?

Urea price

What is Urea 46?

(used for reference only)
 If you want to know about the answer to the question: What is Urea 46? The study of this article should be useful and applicable. This is brief information about Urea 46, Chemical Formula, specification, Urea 46 Production, and application.


urea price, urea as important fertlizer
urea price, urea as an important fertlizer

In common with most commercial nitrogen fertilizers, urea is manufactured from anhydrous ammonia (NH3).

The high analysis of urea—46% N—is the main reason for the low cost of this form of nitrogen fertilizer. Freight costs and storage and handling are all lower than with lower analysis fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate (34-0-0) or ammonium sulfate (21-0-0).
Urea 46
% Nitrogen a white crystalline solid containing 46% nitrogen, is widely used in the agricultural industry as an animal feed additive and fertilizer.
Fertilizer urea can be purchased as prills or as a granulated material.

In the past, it was usually produced by dropping liquid urea from a “prilling tower” while drying the product. The prilled formed a smaller and softer substance than other materials commonly used in fertilizer blends. Today, though, considerable urea is manufactured as granules. Granules are larger, harder, and more resistant to moisture. As a result, granulated urea has become a more suitable material for fertilizer blends.

Composition and Formula of urea fertilizer 

Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic compound with chemical formula CO(NH2)2. This amide has two –NH2 groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group.

Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals.

It is a colorless, odorless solid, highly soluble in water, and practically non-toxic (LD50 is 15 g/kg for rats). Dissolved in water, it is neither acidic nor alkaline. The body uses it in many processes, most notably nitrogen excretion.

Urea Formula
Urea 46 Formula-Datis Export Group

The liver forms it by combining two ammonia molecules (NH3) with a carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule in the urea cycle. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a source of nitrogen (N) and is an important raw material for the chemical industry.

Friedrich Wöhler’s discovery, in 1828, that Urea can be produced from inorganic starting materials, was an important conceptual milestone in chemistry. It showed, for the first time, that a substance, previously known only as a byproduct of life, could be synthesized in the laboratory, without biological starting materials, thereby contradicting the widely held doctrine vitalism, which stated that only living things could produce the chemicals of life.

Urea 46, Main Specification

Normally Specification:

Specifications Urea Prilled Urea Granulated
Mass portion of nitrogen (N) on a dry basis, %min 46.2 46.2
Mass portion of biuret, %, max 1.0 1.0
Moisture (determined by Fischer method), % max: 0.5 0.5
Color white white
Static Strength 2.5 kgs/granule

Product free-flowing, free from dust and harmful substances Urea is a non-combustible, fire and explosion-proof substance


about the Granulometry:

Specification Urea Prilled Urea Granulated
Granulometry, % 2-5 mm 95
1-4 mm 90
less than 1 mm 2
more than 6 mm None None

Urea is an inexpensive form of nitrogen fertilizer with an NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) ratio of 46-0-0. Although urea is naturally produced in humans and animals, synthetic urea is manufactured with anhydrous ammonia.

Although urea often offers gardeners the most nitrogen for the lowest price on the market, special steps must be taken when applying urea to the soil to prevent the loss of nitrogen through a chemical reaction.

Urea 46 Production

Urea was first produced industrially by the hydration of calcium cyanamide but the easy availability of ammonia led to the development of ammonia/carbon dioxide technology. This is a two-step process where the ammonia and carbon dioxide react to form ammonium carbamate which is then dehydrated to urea.

In the process, ammonia and carbon dioxide are fed to the synthesis reactor which operates around 180-210oC and 150 bar pressure. The reaction mixture containing ammonia, ammonium carbamate, and urea is first stripped of the ammonia and the resultant solution passes through a number of decomposers operating at progressively reduced pressures. Here the unconverted carbamate is decomposed back to ammonia and carbon dioxide and recycled to the reactor.

The urea solution is concentrated by evaporation or crystallization, and the crystals can be melted to yield pure urea in the form of prills or granules. Prills are made by spraying molten urea from the top of a high tower through a counter-current air stream. Granular urea is formed by spraying molten urea into a mixture of dried urea particles and fines in a rotating drum.

Urea processes fall into two categories: external solution recycle systems, and internal solution stripping systems. In the former, energy is saved by high carbon dioxide conversion rates while the latter reduces net energy requirements by optimizing heat recovery.

What is Urea 46 Usage

Urea is widely used in the agricultural sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive. The main function of Urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth and make the plants look lush. Urea also aids the photosynthesis process of plants.

Advantage of Fertilizer Urea

  1. can be applied to soil as a solid or solution or to certain crops as a foliar spray.
  2. Urea usage involves little or no fire or explosion hazard.
  3. Urea’s high analysis, 46% N, helps reduce handling, storage and transportation costs over other dry N forms.
  4. Urea manufacture releases few pollutants to the environment.
  5. Urea, when properly applied, results in crop yield increases equal to other forms of nitrogen.
  6. Incorporate urea for best use

Nitrogen from urea can be lost to the atmosphere if fertilizer urea remains on the soil surface for extended periods of time during warm weather. The key to the most efficient use of urea is to incorporate it into the soil during a tillage operation. It may also be blended into the soil with irrigation water. A rainfall of as little as 0.25 inches is sufficient to blend urea into the soil to a depth at which ammonia losses will not occur.

If properly applied, urea and fertilizers containing urea are excellent sources of nitrogen for crop production. After application to the soil, urea undergoes chemical changes and ammonium (NH4 +) ions form. Soil moisture determines how rapidly this conversion takes place.

When a urea particle dissolves, the area around it becomes a zone of high pH and ammonia concentration. This zone can be quite toxic for a few hours. Seed and seedling roots within this zone can be killed by the free ammonia that has formed. Fortunately, this toxic zone becomes neutralized in most soils as the ammonia converts to ammonium. Usually it’s just a few days before plants can effectively use the nitrogen. Although urea imparts an alkaline reaction when first applied to the soil, the net effect is to produce an acid reaction.

Urea or materials containing urea should, in general, be broadcast and immediately incorporated into the soil. Urea-based fertilizer applied in a band should be separated from the seed by at least two inches of soil. Under no circumstances should urea or urea-based fertilizer be seed-placed with corn.

With small grains, 10 lb. of nitrogen as urea can generally be applied with the grain drill at seeding time even under dry conditions.

Disadvantage of Urea

Urea has several advantages, including cost per pound of nitrogen, higher nutrient density, and good handling and storage properties.

The biggest disadvantage is the potential for volatilization. This occurs when urea is surface-applied and converted to ammonium carbonate by urease.

How Urea works for the plants

Plants can’t eat urea in the form you spread across your yard. Instead, plants use the byproducts produced as urea starts to break down. Urea initially breaks down as ammonium, then turns into nitrate. This breakdown begins immediately after spreading the Urea, which is why you must work fast to incorporate it into the soil, preferably within two days. The ammonium might be released as a gas if the granules sit on top of the surface, reducing the amount of material that turns into helpful nitrate in the soil.

The nitrogen from the Urea stays in the soil until the plants either use it up or it’s leached out by water. The amount of time it’s available varies, depending on how many plants the urea is feeding and how much rainfall the area gets. Even if some remain in the soil when you’re ready to add more fertilizer, it might not be enough to support the plants through the next season. Testing nitrogen levels with self-test kits let you know when it’s time to add more Urea.

What is Urea46

Why Nitrogen is important for the plants

Nitrogen helps jumpstart many plants during their growing cycle, helping them develop stronger cells for photosynthesis. It also helps manufacture and store proteins essential to plant survival. In many plants, it helps develop a deep green color, a sign photosynthesis is working well. When leaves begin to yellow, it could be from a nitrogen deficiency.

Urea 46 Package

What is Urea 46 package? It is packed in polyethylene and polypropylene bags, in special containers for friable products, and also in other types of packages.

Urea 46 Transportation

Urea can be shipped in bulk or packed with taking certain care measures; such as the possibility of getting the product into the environment and spillage of the product.

Urea is transported by all transport facilities, in compliance with goods transportation regulations applied to this type of transport means.

Urea is one of the most important fertilizers today. It is also remarkably unstable price-wise or has been instable for the past year or so. This reflects overall market instability. Below is a sample news item, showing that in some countries government is asked to rein in surging urea prices.


urea price, Photo: CFP

Urea price.

Chinese regulators move to rein in surging urea prices after probe

Published: Jun 28, 2021 12:36 PM

China’s top economic planner and market regulator vowed on Monday to strengthen market regulation and crack down on urea hoarding and other illegal activities, in a bid to rein in surging prices of the fertilizer following an investigation into to market.  Urea price is of a concern.

The National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation conducted a field research in Central China’s Henan Province and North China’s Hebei Province to learn about the supply and demand of urea, market prices, business operations and exports.

After visiting the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange in Henan, urea producers and agricultural material stores, the two agencies said that they would strengthen regulation and firmly crack down on activities such as hoarding and price gouging to safeguard market order and maintain price stability.  Urea price and instability.

The average price of urea in China has jumped about 56 percent so far this year to 2,800 yuan ($433.73) per ton, which has increased the costs of grain planting for farmers.

Following the regulators’ inspections, the most actively traded urea contract on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange fell 3.06 percent to 2,247 yuan per ton on Monday.

Surging coal prices, combined with maintenance work at urea production plants, have pushed up fertilizer prices, media reports said.  Surging urea prices.

Expectations of higher grain yields by Chinese farmers have also affected the market for fertilizers, Li Guoxiang, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday.

In addition, India’s reduced urea output due to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to increasing global demand from China, a major urea producer. Urea prices and PRC

According to official data from Chinese customs, China exported 3.67 million tons of fertilizers in May, the highest in two years.

The move on Monday followed earlier measures to cool rising prices of agricultural materials by various government agencies ahead of demand peaks for urea and other fertilizers in June and July.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other agencies on June 17 issued a document to enhance fertilizer supply to safeguard the production of summer grain crops. Urea price and India.

“Since the spring seeding, multiple factors including short supply of raw materials and their surging prices have pushed up fertilizer prices in China by about 30 percent year-on-year, reaching a historic high,” read the document.  Urea price.

It asked relevant departments to strengthen monitoring and early warnings and to adjust fertilizer supply during the summer in order to secure the summer grain crops. Urea price.

Meanwhile, on June 18, the State Council, China’s cabinet, said that the central government would allocate 20 billion yuan in subsidies to farmers in response to price hikes of agricultural materials. Urea price and inflation.

Li said that fertilizer price hikes in China are a short-term issue, as the country’s production capacity for fertilizers remains stable and demand will fall once the seeding of autumn grain crops finishes.  Urea price.

urea price

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